Join us for an unforgettable evening celebrating the spirit of sports! Our gala events unite sports enthusiasts through a premier white-collar charity experience, dedicated to supporting local communities. Together, we’ll make a meaningful impact while enjoying a night of elegance and excitement.
In 10 weeks you could be standing under the lights ready to battle and take the glory for you and your team…Are you ready? boxing training boxing club.
Come to our awesome training facility and learn from the masters how to throw that jab cross hook combo and be ready in 12 weeks.
Our trainers will dedicate themselves to making you the best prepared and fighter you can be.
We will be raising money throughout the build up and the event for our charities boxing training boxing club.
It's time we give black to the Filipino community and help the less fortunate. boxing training boxing club
Virlanie Foundation focuses on four key outcomes: For kids to graduate healthy, Educated, Empowered and Employed. Why these four? Because they're all interconnected and essential to achieving the big goal: helping break the cycle of poverty. Boxing training boxing club.
The Virlanie Foundation has improved millions of lives and helped hundreds of children escape poverty's grasp...but none of it would have been possible without the help of supporters like you. Help us raise fun ds and make a difference! boxing training boxing club.
The Virlanie Foundation is a non-governmental organization based in the Philippines. It was founded in 1992 by French social worker Dominique Lemay and aims to provide better opportunities and care for street children in Manila. Virlanie operates various programs and services to address the needs of these children, including residential homes, educational support, and healthcare services. The foundation's residential homes offer a safe and nurturing environment for street children who have been abandoned, abused, or neglected. The children are provided with basic needs such as food, shelter, and clothing, as well as access to education and medical care. Virlanie also places great emphasis on education and offers scholarships and vocational training to help the children develop the necessary skills to secure a better future. Through its outreach programs, Virlanie aims to prevent child abandonment and exploitation by supporting families and communities at risk. The foundation provides livelihood opportunities and social support to parents and caregivers, empowering them to create a stable and nurturing environment for their children. Virlanie Foundation's holistic approach towards child welfare and development has positively impacted the lives of thousands of street children in Manila. By addressing the root causes of child abandonment and providing care and opportunities, the foundation strives to break the cycle of poverty and give these children a chance for a brighter future.
We take rank beginners who have never boxed before and train them for the experience of a lifetime. You’ll get trained by not just “was-once”, but current-day champion fighters.
Eight weeks of training will bring your inner warrior to the surface, culminating in a pride match against an equally matched opponent.
Here’s why you should take part!
Corporate Beatdown is the Ultimate Boxing Experience and your chance to make a change to your life and someone else’s. In addition to eight weeks boxing training in the gym, there’s also the opportunity to do some training out of the gym.
Here’s what you’ll be doing over the course of eight weeks when you sign up to become a White Coll.
Corporate Beatdown- The Ultimate Boxing Experience, takes beginners who have never boxed before and trains them for the experience of a lifetime.
Here’s why should take part and become a corporate warrior.
The moment you sign up to Corporate Beatdown you’ll be in safe hands. During training and on event night you will wear a head guard and 160z boxing gloves (bigger than normal for more protection)
We keep medical teams on hand for every event. You wont need them, but that’s how dedicated we are to keeping you safe.
Get a huge discount on supplements and nutritional products. We have contracts with major providers that will put advanced strength-building, fat-melting, and health-amplifying products in your hands at near wholesales prices.
Make Lifetime Bonds
Make new friends that can last a lifetime as you and the other warriors in your g
Carry the experience forward for a lifetime with a professionally filmed and edited DVD of your big event. This is the kind of experience that will change you for the rest of your life, don’t ever forget.
What Are You Waiting For?
This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to train hard, overcome fears, step out of you